Disclaimer: I am about to nerd out big time. You have been warned.

In this digital marketing era, everyone wants to go viral. I used to be a social media manager as well as a Pinterest manager. I used to have clients say to me “I want this reel to go viral.”
Eeeek. Sorry ma’am. I can’t guarantee that at all. No one can.
If anyone knew the real secret to reels going viral on Instagram….we would know it by now and we would all be going viral.
Here’s a thought…..I have no desire to go viral.
Let me explain why….going viral doesn’t guarantee any success in your business.
Let me repeat….going viral does not guarantee you any success in your business.
Straight fact.
Yes, going viral means that people connected with your content, liked it, shared it, and a whole lot of people viewed it but it takes a lot more than views to grow a business.
Have you ever noticed that your most popular post has very little to do with your business?
Have you ever noticed your least liked post is actually the one that got you the lead?
The confusing thing about marketing on Instagram these days is not really knowing what is working.
Personally….my audience LOVES any video that has my grandparents in it. Even though I am a Pinterest Manager, when I actually post about Pinterest, the engagement is much lower. This is okay…..I know what my audience likes, I know marketing on IG is a mix of education, connection, growing a community etc.
The posts that get the least likes for me…..get me the most leads.
Now let’s talk about Pinterest. That’s what you’re here to learn about.
Pinterest Analytics teach you exactly what is working.
Pinterest Analytics teach you exactly how and why your audience is engaging with your content.
Pinterest Analytics You Need to Know

Outbound Clicks
Total Audience
Engaged Audience
What we can learn from your Pinterest Analytics
Impressions are great, it means your content is getting seen. We all want to be seen! We all want that content you’ve worked so hard for to be seen and found by ideal clients. However….if you’re getting high impressions but the rest of your analytics are low, we may have some problems.
Saves are wonderful. At the heart of Pinterest is the desire to inspire the Pinterest user to take action. The save feature allows them to ‘Pin’ your content to their own Pinterest board, for inspiration and to come back to in the future. Saves let us know they value your content.
The number one analytic for any Pinterest Manager is OUTBOUND CLICKS. This is your money maker. This analytic tell us which Pin your audience is MOST engaged with. They made the connection, they saw the value and they made the effort to click through to whatever URL you had linked. Focusing on which Pins are getting you the most outbound clicks is a key ingredient to a successful Pinterest Marketing Strategy.
The Best Thing about Pinterest Analytics
If you didn’t know by now, now you know….your Pins continue to circulate for years to come. Search for tonight’s dinner recipe and I guarantee the top pins were created years ago. So don’t be discouraged if the pin you post today seems to be a slow mover in the next month……this time next year, it could be your highest performing pin to date!
Pinterest is not Instagram, and that is one of the best things about it. Your content will continue to circulate, your content will continue to drive traffic to your website and grow your business for YEARS TO COME. Instagram would never, they don’t even care what you posted two hours ago, let alone a week ago.
If you’re ready to end the burn out and get back to content creation that you love, that you enjoy, and that actually gets you results….you need to be on Pinterest.
I am here to help. Book a Pinterest Keyword Strategy or a full Pinterest Strategy Session today.