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Why You Should Use Pinterest to Market Your Business

why Pinterest needs to be part of your small business marketing strategy

The number one question I am asked when I share that I am a Pinterest Manager is why Pinterest?

Well, let’s start off by saying, it wasn’t always all about Pinterest.

Back in 2021, I was losing my job and immediately googled how to work from home with no experience. That was it, that was the search. I wish I had a screenshot of it!

That google search lead me to Virtual Assistant training courses which in time lead me to finding out about Pinterest Marketing.

Many hours of google searches later I found the top Pinterest Marketing course and after the first module I was hooked. Wait…why don’t more people know about this? Why is everyone so obsessed with other platforms for their business but ignoring Pinterest?

The more I learned about the potential of Pinterest marketing, the purchasing power of the Pinterest audience, the more I wanted to share that with my clients. 

I have worked with business owners across a variety of industries, e-commerce, interior designers, photographers, home decor, arts and crafts, education, childhood development….and the list goes on. 

Here are my top 3 answers for when people ask me ‘Why Pinterest?’:

Why Pinterest Needs to Be Part of Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

  1. Longevity. Pins you create today can continue to drive traffic to your website for years to come. If you intend for your business to be around in 5, 10 years time, get started on Pinterest today and thank me later.

  2. Peace. You know it. How do you feel when you’re searching on Pinterest? No dancing or pointing needed. No DM’S. No followers (needed). Organized, curated content based on exactly what you’re looking for. Marketing your business on Pinterest feels even better, when done right, it will be sustainable, it will be enjoyable and it will be successful!

  3. Potential. Pinterest currently boasts 465 million users a month. 97% of top Pinterest searches are unbranded. There is an entirely brand new audience waiting for you.

People use Pinterest to plan for the future. Reach them here, and you’ll reach them before your competitors do.” -

If you’re still asking yourself ‘Why Pinterest?’ …schedule a Discovery Call and find out if Pinterest Marketing should be the next move you make for your business.




Download my free guide to get 10 prompts and tips for how to write descriptions and pin titles that enhance your pins’ performance. 


Start experimenting with these tips today and watch your Pinterest traffic soar!




Download my guide to start using keywords on Pinterest.




Get 250 keywords to use on your Pinterest pins and descriptions.




Done-for-you Pinterest Marketing Strategy customized for your business.


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